Giving Time & Talent
There are lots of ways this particular congregation seeks to respond to that call to love our neighbors in God's name:
- Food Justice
- Our On-Site Little Food Pantry (Click here to see what items you can place in our Little Food Pantry!)
- Volunteering and Collecting for Bethany Food Pantry
- Equality for All God's People
- Our Open and Affirming Ministry, GLBT Advocacy, and Austin PRIDE
- Racial Justice Education, White Privilege Course
- Racial Justice Public Witness
- We Stand with our Muslim Neighbors with the Raindrop Turkish House
- Homelessness
- ARCH (Austin Resource Center for the Homeless)
- Homeless Care Kits (Pick up one by the church door!)
- The Period Party with Austin Flo Code
- Community First Village
- Immigration
- Refugee Resettlement
- Immigrant Advocacy Letter Writing
- Public Speakers
- Eco-Justice
- Lenten Carbon Fast for Creation
- Education
- Building Greening
Church Mission Teams
Worship Team
The Worship Team partners with the pastors help guide the religious life of the church. It helps in the planning of worship, communion and lay services, and performing other duties related to the religious life of the church. The Deacon Team which helps with worship prayers and other service aspects are a subteam. If you're creative, have experience in worship design, music, art, theatre, preaching, media, or writing, and would like to share your gifts by helping in worship or serving on the committee, please email our Worship Team Lead.
Worship Leadership Opportunities:
Contact: [email protected] (if you are interested in serving as a deacon)
Social Justice Team
The Social Justice Team informs the congregation about the individual and group opportunities and challenges them to participate. It seeks out opportunities for service in the local community as well as the world. The opportunities to serve our community change monthly. Contact our Social Justice Team Lead if you want to get involved!
Contact: [email protected]
Education Team
The Education Team is responsible for training and education programs regarding the Christian life, the church, and the faith of persons of all ages within the church. It is be responsible for Faith Formation classes, youth programs, adult education, and other education programs it may sponsor from time to time. The team recruits and trains the teachers.
Contact: [email protected]
Community Connections Team
This team is responsible for the connection points between the church and our congregants. Everything from communications, staffing greeters, coordinating fellowship activities, help assimilate of new members into all church functions, and coordinating any necessary assistance (along with pastors) to church members during times of need. Contact: [email protected]
Property Team
This committee is responsible for maintaining all property of the church, both the building and the grounds. Our Property Team Lead Position is now open. If you'd like to serve on our property committee, if you're handy, or even if you just have a few hours to help with a few projects around the church building or landscape, please contact the church office.
Contact: [email protected]
Caring Elders (elected at congregational meeting in November)
Elders are responsible for the spiritual life and development of the congregation. Duties include assisting and sharing with the pastor(s) in the conduct of pastoral and evangelistic functions and providing supportive counsel for the pastor(s) regarding the spiritual life and development of the congregation. If you would like to speak to an elder to learn more or for support, please contact our elder coordinator at the email below.
Contact: [email protected]
Governance Committees
Personnel Committee
Contact: [email protected]
Finance Committee
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
Church Council Chair
Contact: [email protected].
The Executive Committee of the Church Council
Contact: [email protected]
Full Church Council:
[email protected]
Worship Team
The Worship Team partners with the pastors help guide the religious life of the church. It helps in the planning of worship, communion and lay services, and performing other duties related to the religious life of the church. The Deacon Team which helps with worship prayers and other service aspects are a subteam. If you're creative, have experience in worship design, music, art, theatre, preaching, media, or writing, and would like to share your gifts by helping in worship or serving on the committee, please email our Worship Team Lead.
Worship Leadership Opportunities:
- Liturgists (Readers)
- Artists for installations, bulletin covers, and altar decorations
- Musicians
- Acolytes (All ages are welcome, but younger than 2nd grade require an adult helper)
- Actors for plays
- Writers for liturgy, poems, etc.
Contact: [email protected] (if you are interested in serving as a deacon)
Social Justice Team
The Social Justice Team informs the congregation about the individual and group opportunities and challenges them to participate. It seeks out opportunities for service in the local community as well as the world. The opportunities to serve our community change monthly. Contact our Social Justice Team Lead if you want to get involved!
Contact: [email protected]
Education Team
The Education Team is responsible for training and education programs regarding the Christian life, the church, and the faith of persons of all ages within the church. It is be responsible for Faith Formation classes, youth programs, adult education, and other education programs it may sponsor from time to time. The team recruits and trains the teachers.
Contact: [email protected]
- If interested in working with children, contact [email protected].
- If interested in working with youth, contact [email protected].
- If interested in leading Adult Faith Formation, contact [email protected].
Community Connections Team
This team is responsible for the connection points between the church and our congregants. Everything from communications, staffing greeters, coordinating fellowship activities, help assimilate of new members into all church functions, and coordinating any necessary assistance (along with pastors) to church members during times of need. Contact: [email protected]
Property Team
This committee is responsible for maintaining all property of the church, both the building and the grounds. Our Property Team Lead Position is now open. If you'd like to serve on our property committee, if you're handy, or even if you just have a few hours to help with a few projects around the church building or landscape, please contact the church office.
Contact: [email protected]
Caring Elders (elected at congregational meeting in November)
Elders are responsible for the spiritual life and development of the congregation. Duties include assisting and sharing with the pastor(s) in the conduct of pastoral and evangelistic functions and providing supportive counsel for the pastor(s) regarding the spiritual life and development of the congregation. If you would like to speak to an elder to learn more or for support, please contact our elder coordinator at the email below.
Contact: [email protected]
Governance Committees
Personnel Committee
Contact: [email protected]
Finance Committee
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
Church Council Chair
Contact: [email protected].
The Executive Committee of the Church Council
Contact: [email protected]
Full Church Council:
[email protected]