Epiphany Sunday with Chalking the Door & Youth Drama
Sunday January 3rd at 10 AM Live Ring in the New Year with UCC with a traditional Chalking of the Door you can do in-service at your home followed by a special interactive drama brought to you by our youth. To learn more about the practice of Chalking of the Doors, watch the video. If you would like to chalk your own door at home, you can use the liturgy below from our worship service. |
Liturgy for Chalking of the Doors
Chalking the door is the ancient Christian practice of physically marking the occasion of the Epiphany by blessing a church building or home, praying that – just as the Holy Family welcomed the foreign magi and their gifts into their home – we too might welcome the people and gifts God sends into our congregations and homes in this new year.
One: Peace be to this house, and to all who enter here.
All: Amen.
One: The Magi came to Bethlehem in search of a King. They found a newborn lying in a feeding trough beneath a star. They laid before him precious gifts:
Gold to honor his royalty,
frankincense to honor his divinity,
and myrrh to anoint his human body, which would one day die like our own.
The door is chalked with the inscription “20 * C + M + B + 20” as the following is read:
One: These three Wise Ones:
[C] Caspar,
[M] Melchior,
[B] and Balthasar followed the star to Bethlehem
to find the child Jesus
[20] two thousand,
[21] and twenty-one years ago.
Christus Mansionem Benedicat
All: [* +] May Christ bless this house [+ +],
and remain with us throughout the New Year. Amen.
One: Let us pray...
God of light,
as the wise ones once sought your brilliant star,
may we also seek you in the coming year.
And just as that star radiated your love
down on the manager,
So shine your love upon us in this New Year,
and all who pass through these doors.
May this year be better than the last:
filled with hugs, good health, and safe travels.
May all who enter here
find Christ living among us.
Make this house a shelter in the storm
and a haven of rest for all who need your warmth,
no matter who they are,
or where they are on life’s journey.
May we humbly receive the gifts and wisdom
of foreigners, strangers, and guests,
just as Mary and Joseph did.
when we go out from this place,
may the light of your love guide our way on,
this year, and evermore.
All: Amen.
-- by Rev. Anna Kreisle Humble